I know I only post every once in a while, and probably don't have any regular readers (yet...), but I figured that it's probably time to give a little preview/profile of myself...for those of you who are simply DYING to know. I think I'm going to adopt Tink's style for this post (Tink from the Pickled Beef blog)
...I'm still having a little trouble with the hyperlink thing. It wouldn't turn off when I wanted it to, so I had to make a new paragraph. Geez, blogs are hard! ;) But I meant that I would adopt the "numbered list" style just to give some extra information about myself to those wonderful people sitting stunned at their computers, overcome with curiosity. (You exist, right?)
Anyway...here goes....
1. My name is....wouldn't you like to know? ^_^ For the purposes of blogging, I might go by Faran or some other made-up name. It'll be clear that it's me, though. My real name is extremely common, and EVERYONE knows at least 3 people with the name (though they're mostly young...it only got really popular right in the year that I was born).
2. Right now, I live in GA, U.S.A. I might end up attending college out of that state, and believe me, when I make my choice (still have yet to receive acceptances from my major schools!! ARRGH! IT'S MARCH!!), I will let everyone know. Loudly.
3. Georgia has amazing weather at the moment. It's right at that time of year where the weather outside is just perfect. Unfortunately, it's not even spring yet, and spring lasts about two weeks. So the climate will become the usual Unbearable Summer That Lasts Until The End of September in about the second week of April. Which sucks.
4. I'm a senior in high school, in 3 difficult AP courses, an advanced acting class, and two pretty worthless classes. I'm a drama nerd, and a science nerd (nice combination, no?), and fairly proud to proclaim my status as a nerd.
5. I have different music tastes from most of my classmates--where they like indie, punk, pop, or rock, I have a distinct taste for Broadway musicals and the soundtracks of movies. Sure, I like some alternative rock occasionally, but fully half of my CD collection is Broadway. I'm also a fan of certain comedians (Eddie Izzard WINS), and have some musical comedy CDs in my collection as well.
6. I'm an absolutely WRETCHED procrastinator. Last night I was up until 3 am, having spent the whole day doing homework for my AP Environmental Science class, and two major projects for my AP European History class (which is the one I regret taking this year, because it's SO MUCH work!!). I could have gotten them done earlier...if I hadn't spent the first two days of the three-day weekend doing other stuff.
7. I have a wonderful circle of friends who are very supportive, and very strange. I don't really have a best friend, but if I did, it would be a guy I'll call MH. We practically have our own language and system of interactions, which most people regard very strangely when they witness it.
8. I have an absolutely wonderful boyfriend I'll refer to as JR. We have been dating for almost a year (our anniversary is April 6), and the story of how we met is like something from a movie. I won't get into it, but I'll just say that we met on a Caribbean cruise...and things have simply just worked out since then. We have a lot of differences (political, etc.), but we both have so much of a will to work things out between us that they have never caused much of a rift. We have similar senses of humor, and talk about a lot of nerdy stuff. It rocks ^_^
9. My family ancestry, although we've been American for generations and generations, is almost entirely of Scottish and English extraction. This might explain my peculiar affinity for bagpipe music and English literature. Or else I'm just weird.
10. I have a very strong personal connection to many works of fiction in specific genres, for a variety of reasons. A combination of personal experiences and study has led me to have a fierce loyalty to specific stories and understandings of the universe that are connected to particular writings of certain authors and my own developed theories of the universe. ....Not that that made much sense, but I guess it would suffice to include that I'm just a wee tad more special than most teens who seem like me, and that my fierce defense of certain books and ideas and experiences comes from deep personal connections.
11. Now I'm just fooling you. There are no more things for me to write, really.
12. Except this one.
13. And this one.
14. I'm just wasting your time now.
So...there you have it. Just a little bit about me, and not that much to go on, but it's more than you had before. And all credit goes to Tink of the Pickled Beef blog (found in my blogroll) for the numbered-list design. I did NOT come up with that myself!
Thanks for reading, if you did. Maybe I'll get back to actually thinking (*gasp* I do that?) in the next post I make.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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